
Active Turbulence Suppression System for Electric Vertical Take-Off and Landing (eVTOL) vehicles
The Active Turbulence Suppression (ATS) system for electric Vertical Take-Off and Landing (eVTOL) vehicles employ existing lifting propellers to dampen instabilities during flight, such as Dutch-roll oscillations and other gust-induced oscillations. When a roll angle of an eVTOL aircraft has deviated or is about to deviate from a current stable aircraft state to an undesirable, unstable, and oscillating aircraft state, the ATS system queries a turbulence suppression database that stores a set of propeller speed profiles for mitigation a deviation of a given roll angle for a particular aircraft with specified propellers. Using this data, the eVTOL flight controller adjusts the speed of the propellers for a certain duration of time, according to the propeller speed profiles for mitigating the deviation. In models of aircraft with adjustable propeller angles, the database includes blade angle profiles for mitigating the effects of turbulent conditions. Timing and rate of propeller activation can be pre-computed using higher order computational modeling performed with NASA’s super computing resources. Because the data is pre-computed, the use of the ATS system onboard does not require significant computing resources to implement on eVTOL vehicles. The technology, a mechanism by which existing eVTOL propellers are leveraged to suppress gust-induced oscillations enables a safe and comfortable passenger experience at low-cost and without added hardware.
robotics automation and control

Airborne Machine Learning Estimates for Local Winds and Kinematics
The MAchine learning ESTimations for uRban Operations (MAESTRO) system is a novel approach that couples commodity sensors with advanced algorithms to provide real-time onboard local wind and kinematics estimations to a vehicle's guidance and navigation system. Sensors and computations are integrated in a novel way to predict local winds and promote safe operations in dynamic urban regions where Global Positioning System/Global Navigation Satellite System (GPS/GNSS) and other network communications may be unavailable or are difficult to obtain when surrounded by tall buildings due to multi-path reflections and signal diffusion. The system can be implemented onboard an Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) and once airborne, the system does not require communication with an external data source or the GPS/GNSS. Estimations of the local winds (speed and direction) are created using inputs from onboard sensors that scan the local building environment. This information can then be used by the onboard guidance and navigation system to determine safe and energy-efficient trajectories for operations in urban and suburban settings. The technology is robust to dynamic environments, input noise, missing data, and other uncertainties, and has been demonstrated successfully in lab experiments and computer simulations.